Seringai - High Octane Rock

Seringai - High Octane Rock. Early 2002, Jakarta, Indonesia. After a year disbanding his legendary hardcore outfit for 10 years, Puppen, vocalist Arian13 [Puppen, Aparatmati] and old time friends, drummer Khemod [from Bandung thrash grinders, Aparatmati] and guitarist Ricky [from Jakarta's finest hardcore band, Stepforward] founded SERINGAI ['grin' in Indonesian]. Fueled by a desire to play a blend between Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Slayer, MC5, they began to jam together after bassist Toan joined.


Seringai recorded 9 songs including a cover of Black Flag's “Jealous Again”, and released High Octane Rock EP in 2004 in tape format on their own label, Parau. Many shows in support of the tape, and without proper promotion they have sold about 15.000 copies of High Octane Rock EP.

1. Seringai - High Octane Rock (2004)
1. Lycanthropia Part I
2. Puritan
3. Alkohol
4. Akselerasi Maksimum
5. Membakar Jakarta
6. Lencana
7. Jealous Again
8. Lycanthropia Part II

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