Dinning Out - Menghempas Lelah (2009)

Dinning Out ​​formed September 1998 in Bandung, Indonesia. Dinning Out ​​heavily influenced by the existence of a community that is little known as the oldest musical community in Indonesia (Ujung Berung Rebel), Dinning Out ​​was in the early running and brought the hardcore music genre, but because it lives among the majority community who were the genre of Metal, it more or less gave the stimulus effect on the progression of musicality Dinning Out​​. This band ​​over time experienced some formation changes, and it is also enacting musicality in the body varies smakin Dinning Out and after a period of one decade finally Dinning Out ​​back find a formation which is considered the most solid to date now.


Andri : Song n Scream Voc
Akew : 6 String Harmony
Atik : 4 String Low
A& Gymbal : 6 String Loud
Gebeg :Power Full Drum

Since the beginning, Dinning Out ​​has spawned some of the works incorporated in several compilation albums and Full Album, The works include: - Compiling the Independent / UjungBronk Rebel (Single "Prostitute": Independent Record: 1998) - Compilation Straight To Hard (Single "****'n My Boss ": Riotic Records; 1999) - Compilation Perang YTPKM (Single" Hopeless" Harder Records; 2000) - Album with titled "Sendiri" Napi Records & True Lies Record 2002) In 2008 they tried to enliven the rock music scene by re-releasing an album with Titled "Menghempas Lelah" Absolute Records: 2009, hopefully with the release of this album can contribute to the advancement of music in Indonesia.

  1. Nyata
  2. Hopeless
  3. …Cinta
  4. Terasing
  5. Hitam
  6. Lelah
  7. …Cinta (remix)

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