March - Polymath (2010)

March - Polymath album. March is a Jakarta-based backbiting band. Kick started their calling with the 2005 demo track; “Rise of The Imperfect”, these metal heads kept making things happen. With their fully abrasive and guitar-driven songs such as the crowd burner piece “Batas Nalar” and “Teori Konspirasi”, March has grown and shared stages with international and local forefront acts.


A gig in mid 2006 has been the best foundation to further bring March into poised path. There, the band played their esteemed songs and made remarks on few notorious names in the scene. “Awesome materials” and “heavy” are the roughly remembered compliments of that one hell of a night. Within several years of comradeship, March has been through transitions of formation and adversities. Thanks to ones who believe in such music, the ensemble is still striving for their very own actualization of ambition and still featured on cycle of local gigs, festival, and parties.


After the comeback of Ryan; the guitarist, from study in Australia, the hunger of Lale; also guitarist, in playing metal again, the boys are more than alive and ready to march with other members; Erix on drums and Faddy on vocal. The band is now paving the way to reveal their materials; not by a usual release, but a radical one. So far on the process, March has pushed everything to its limit and set to march on!

1. Polymath (2010)
Debut album from MARCH, released in 2010. Contain eleven songs of thrash/progressive/metal intensity. This album has won “THE BIG FIVE WINNER of Favourite Metal Songs” at Indonesian Cutting Edge Music Awards (ICEMA) 2010.

01. Alpha
02. Akhir Ambisi
03. Teori Konspirasi
04. Fase Emosi Raga
05. Pemberontakan Metafisis
06. Konfrontasi
07. Batas Nalar
08. Merasuki Akal
09. Omega
10. Adore
11. Indentured

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